Ja, det holder seg fortsatt kaldt ute, og - 7 grader akkurat nå. Det er litt vanskelig å få stilt riktig temperatur i drivhuset, for det varierer fra dag til dag.
I følge værmeldingen skal det bli litt varmere fra i morgen og ut i neste uke. Det er ingen "fare" for at snøen skal smelte i hagen her, men det er alltid hyggelig å høre at snøen på taket smelter ned i takrennen.
Ute i hagen er det besøk omtrent hele døgnet. Jeg trodde det bare var et rådyr her, men der tok jeg feil. Min mann sa her en dag at det var 16 bein på besøk, altså fire rådyr. Naboen hadde hatt besøk av sju rådyr i går. Så dessverre så er de flere enn noen gang rundt her. Kattene mine synes det er spennende å sitte i vinduet å se på de, men de er også de eneste som setter pris på de.
Sounds like a busy day for wildlife in your garden except the kitty! Beautiful snowy photos. Hope the warmer weather brings some relief from the cold.
SvarSlettYes, they are a lot of wildlife here right now. My cats lives indoor all the time, so they don't go out in the snow. Thank you. I hope it too.
SlettIt must be tough for the deer to navigate the deep snow, and from a humane perspective one cannot begrudge them the little food they can find - except when they destroy your hedge and garden in the process. It’s a conundrum. Perhaps the only thing is to curl up with the cat and enjoy them! Hugs and kisses from your “Deer” David.
SvarSlettYes, it's very hard for them right now, and I feel sorry for them David. I don't feed them, but my neighbour gives them some bread and carrots. I can't blame them when they eat here and the winter is so harsh. Yes, I can curl up with cat and watch them. Haha "deer" David!
SlettHugs and kisses, Marit
Hi Marit, beautiful snow photos and the deer. We have sunny weather today but no snow. Have a nice weekend !
SvarSlettThe poor deer are looking for food under all that snow. They are cute critters, I am sorry if they do damage to your garden and plants. Ares looks like he has a nice spot to relax. Thank you for linking up your critter post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.